
TWP Toledo 2020 Horizontal

Clark Fixtures named Top Work Places

January 27, 2020

Bowling Green, OH January 26, 2020 – Clark Fixture Technologies has been awarded a Top Workplaces 2020 honor by The Blade. The list is based solely on employee feedback and compared with similar companies.

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Clark Fixtures new 2020 logo

December 18, 2019

Our logo is changing to help demonstrate our commitment to the future as we continue to grow our capabilities and capacities and venture into new industries.

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Clark Fixtures Adds Manufacturing Capability

December 16, 2019

Our new Mazak Integrex i-200S will give us much broader capability and capacity in our metals area.

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NASA Super Guppy Loading at KSC

Orion Space Capsule Arrives in Ohio

December 10, 2019

Orion space capsule to be tested extensively at NASA Plum Brook Station. space simulation chamber.

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Ohio Aerospace Day Focalpoint

Ohio Aerospace Day

November 19, 2019

Clark Fixtures participated in the Ohio Aerospace Day at our State Capital building on November 19, 2019.

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Fabtech 2018 Booth 2


November 7, 2019

We want to thank all of our customers and new prospects for stopping by our booth at the recent 2019 FABTECH Show in Chicago.

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Our Mission

We pro­vide our cus­tomers a one-stop” solu­tion for their tool­ing require­ments. We engi­neer, design, and man­u­fac­ture inno­v­a­tive tool­ing that is deliv­ered on time and at com­pet­i­tive val­ue. Our tool­ing will enhance our cus­tomers’ process­es by ver­i­fy­ing and con­trol­ling all crit­i­cal areas of the part while being easy for the oper­a­tor to under­stand and use.

Our History

From simple beginnings, to an exciting future.

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