
Our process has been devel­oped over the forty years of our exis­tence. It con­tin­u­al­ly incor­po­rates new mate­ri­als, soft­ware and machin­ing advances. With the help of an ERP sys­tem, oth­er tools and var­i­ous qual­i­ty sys­tems, we endeav­or to track and con­trol the prod­ucts being shipped to our val­ued customers.


Clark Fix­tures brings to the table over 40 years of expe­ri­ence. Our project engi­neers work with var­i­ous cus­tomers in numer­ous indus­tries. Their under­stand­ing of tol­er­anc­ing and GD&T come from this expe­ri­ence. As new cus­tomers are on-board­ed, they are assigned a PE that best fits their indus­try and prod­ucts. This tech­ni­cal con­tact becomes your pri­ma­ry inter­face with quotes and orders.


Clark Fix­tures almost from its incep­tion, uti­lized CAD/CAM as a way to design appro­pri­ate tool­ing around a cus­tomer’s prod­uct. With guid­ance from the PE, the appro­pri­ate mate­r­i­al, design and fea­tures are brought togeth­er to ful­fill the needs of any giv­en project. As each design is com­plet­ed, it is reviewed and signed off and then put in a for­mat that can be emailed or uploaded to a secure site. Once these designs are approved by the cus­tomer, they are inte­grat­ed back into our pro­duc­tion process.


With the uti­liza­tion of CAD/CAM an NC file is sent to the shop serv­er, a full scale plot of the mate­r­i­al is sent to the mate­r­i­al prep depart­ment and draw­ings for any met­al details that need to be machined are sent to the machin­ing department.

The vast major­i­ty of our fix­tures are machined on CNC machines as one com­plete part on its base, there­by remov­ing the added tol­er­ance stack-up that is nec­es­sary when adding sep­a­rate blocks or sad­dles. Qual­i­ty ver­i­fi­ca­tions are tak­en at every step.


Clark Fix­ture’s CMM lab is cer­ti­fied to ISO-IEC17025:2017.

Each fix­ture is rig­or­ous­ly inspect­ed to ensure that the prod­uct you are receiv­ing is machined to the spec­i­fi­ca­tions that were inputted into its design and match­es the print coordinates. 

Upon com­ple­tion a final audit inspec­tion is pre­formed to con­firm that the fix­ture is com­plete and functional.

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