Service. Quality. Experience.

Designing Innovative Fixtures To Make Quality The Standard

Our Mission

We pro­vide our cus­tomers a one-stop” solu­tion for their tool­ing require­ments. We engi­neer, design, and man­u­fac­ture inno­v­a­tive tool­ing that is deliv­ered on time and at com­pet­i­tive val­ue. Our tool­ing will enhance our cus­tomers’ process­es by ver­i­fy­ing and con­trol­ling all crit­i­cal areas of the part while being easy for the oper­a­tor to under­stand and use.

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Our History

From simple beginnings, to an exciting future.

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FABTECH 2024 - Orlando, October 15-17

FABTECH heads to the Orange County Convention Center. Our booth number is S27200. This is located in the Forming and Fabricating Section.

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“On behalf of Rolls-Royce and our Joint Strike Fight­er Part­ners and Cus­tomers, I would like to express our appre­ci­a­tion of the excel­lent work car­ried out by Clark Fix­ture Tech­nolo­gies in sup­port of the JSF Lift Sys­tem. Our 3‑Bearing Swiv­el Mod­ule Exter­nals team has been very impressed by your com­pa­ny’s capa­bil­i­ty, in addi­tion to the hard work and ded­i­ca­tion which your staff have put into the design and con­struc­tion of some of the most com­plex and nov­el 3‑D hose fix­tur­ing ever devised. To deliv­er such a com­plex sys­tem to cost and ahead of lead time is cer­tain­ly an impres­sive performance.”
J. Whatley, Rolls-Royce Aerospace