
With over forty years of expe­ri­ence, we’ve found that even with the advent of tube read­ers” and sim­i­lar devices, it is imper­a­tive regard­less of the indus­try to have poka yoke fix­tur­ing on the shop floor for imme­di­ate inspec­tion and in-process activity.


Clark Fix­tures came into exis­tence because of the auto­mo­tive indus­try. Our first fix­ture was for check­ing a formed rub­ber radi­a­tor hose. There was also the need to check the tang ori­en­ta­tion for the clamps. That was our start. Today we ser­vice the domes­tic and for­eign auto­mo­tive indus­try around the world with fix­tures for fuel and brake-lines, exhaust tub­ing, HVAC, filler tubes, airbag tub­ing and many more. We are excit­ed to see what the future brings in the auto­mo­tive indus­try, such as elec­tric vehi­cles that have no steer­ing wheels and pedals. 

Automotive Experience
Logos of Ford, GM, Honda, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Paccar, Tesla, Toyota, Volvo, and BMW


It makes sense that an Ohio com­pa­ny is in this indus­try because of Ohio’s rich his­to­ry in aero­space and space. Our first for­ay into this busi­ness was pri­mar­i­ly pro­vid­ing check fix­tures that would incor­po­rate var­i­ous in-process capa­bil­i­ty to the lead­ing jet engine com­pa­nies of the world. We also helped design and build a unique prod­uct for man­u­fac­tur­ing cus­tom ven­ti­la­tion tubes for air­craft and space cap­sules. Our cus­tomers are look­ing for bet­ter and faster meth­ods of inspect­ing and man­u­fac­tur­ing engine and air­craft tube com­po­nents. From there we start­ed work­ing with com­pa­nies pri­mar­i­ly involved with mil­i­tary air­craft and then were asked to pro­vide in-process fix­tures for propul­sion tub­ing on the NASA Ori­on space cap­sule. Two years lat­er, we start­ed work­ing on life sup­port tub­ing for the manned Ori­on cap­sule. Since that time we have worked with a num­ber of select com­pa­nies doing excit­ing work build­ing rock­ets, engines and oth­er cap­sules for space. It has been a privilege!

Aerospace Experience
Logos of Boeing, GE Aviation, Gulfstream, Lockheed Martin, Pratt & Whitney, Rolls Royce, ULA, and NASA


Although not a large seg­ment of our cur­rent busi­ness, the med­ical indus­try is one that we serve. Pro­vid­ing a check fix­ture to ver­i­fy formed tub­ing and intramedullary nails and stays. The largest area of work is in med­ical equip­ment and fur­ni­ture. Our fix­tures are uti­lized to ver­i­fy bent tub­ing and var­i­ous fea­tures on the tube. In-process fix­tures have been also used for ver­i­fy­ing hole loca­tions and oth­er fea­tures. Where accu­ra­cy is need­ed, our prod­uct is the solution.

Medical Experience
Logos of Medrobotics, Saint-Gobain, and Stryker

Recreational Vehicle

We have had the priv­i­lege of work­ing with numer­ous com­pa­nies, for­eign and domes­tic, that cre­ate and build vehi­cles Amer­i­cans hit the open road and trails on. From Harley motor­cy­cles to snow­mo­biles and ATVs, we have done it all. Our fix­tures have been uti­lized in the frames, bent rod stays, han­dle­bars and var­i­ous oth­er components.

Recreational Experience
Logos of Harley-Davidson, Honda, Indian Motorcycle, Kawasaki, Polaris, and Yamaha


The farm land of Amer­i­ca is one of our great­est resources. Clark Fix­tures is proud to sup­port many com­pa­nies involved in build­ing equip­ment to uti­lize this resource. In many cas­es we are involved in the tub­ing side of this equip­ment, but also have built pneu­mat­ic fix­tures to aide in robot­ic cells deal­ing with blow mold­ed and injec­tion mold­ed parts. We eat fresh and plen­ti­ful food because of these com­pa­nies. Thank you.

Agriculture Experience
Logos of Case, CAT, and John Deere

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Contact Clark
“We at Goodyear appre­ci­ate your quick response to requests for quotes and the man­u­fac­tur­ing of GD&T gages. Our cus­tomers are giv­ing us short­er and short­er lead times, which means we rely more and more on sup­pli­ers like you who are able to meet those reduced lead times. Of course, this also means that it is crit­i­cal for the job to be done right the first time, which is also a rea­son why we rely on a qual­i­ty sup­pli­er like you. This shows good orga­ni­za­tion, pro­ce­dures in place, and effort at all lev­els of your company.”
Matt Wollam-Berens, Goodyear

Bridging the Gap Africa

Tom Clark has proudly worked with Harmon since before BtGA was formally established and has personally helped build several of the 60 plus bridges currently in use. Clark Fixtures happily provides all North American administrative support for BtGA.

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