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Clark Fixtures new 2020 logo

December 18, 2019

As Clark Fix­ture Tech­nolo­gies approach­es 42 years of being in busi­ness with numer­ous build­ing expan­sions, the pur­chas­ing of new equip­ment and the nev­er-end­ing acqui­si­tion of upgrad­ed soft­ware, we are com­mit­ted to the future and all that it has instore for us. 

We are grate­ful to our loy­al cus­tomers who have turned to us for their fix­ture needs in many cas­es for over 20 years. Our birth in the auto­mo­tive indus­try is where we learned to com­pete and deliv­er well made prod­ucts at a com­pet­i­tive price, along with the con­stant revi­sions of part num­bers which honed our skills. Today we still learn some­thing new each day from our cus­tomers and our employees.

His­tor­i­cal­ly our prod­ucts are not only used for strict­ly qual­i­ty ver­i­fi­ca­tion, but also incor­po­rates var­i­ous in-process activ­i­ty depend­ing on the need and indus­try. For exam­ple, for the aero­space and even more so for the space indus­try, the vol­umes of any one prod­uct being made is sub­stan­tial­ly small­er than the auto­mo­tive. There­fore, the fix­ture includes end of tube scrib­ing, bend ver­i­fi­ca­tion, loca­tion and clock­ing of end fea­tures, and then final­ly weld­ing. All is accom­plished with­in the fix­ture envi­ron­ment. We have had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to build prod­ucts for radi­a­tor hose, auto­mo­tive exhaust sys­tems, fuel and brake-lines, Harley-David­son Motor­cy­cle han­dle­bars, and propul­sion and life sup­port tub­ing for rock­ets and space cap­sules. It is a wild and crazy world we live in.

We find our­selves in a glob­al mar­ket, with com­peti­tors no longer with­in dri­ving dis­tance. They are found in all cor­ners of the world and offer a wide range of prod­ucts. The com­pe­ti­tion also resides in new tech­nolo­gies, such as tube read­ers” and var­i­ous scan­ning devices. How­ev­er, our strength and oppor­tu­ni­ty is in pro­vid­ing cost effec­tive qual­i­ty ver­i­fi­ca­tion tool­ing that is sim­ple to use and pro­vides min­i­mal­ly trained oper­a­tors the means of being empow­ered to make a deci­sion, in his/​her work cell, as to whether the prod­uct meets the print require­ments. There is no logis­ti­cal night­mare of mov­ing prod­uct from the work cell to a qual­i­ty lab or cen­tral loca­tion to be inspect­ed by anoth­er more high­ly trained oper­a­tor. The beau­ty of the poka yoke method­ol­o­gy is that an indi­vid­ual work­er can keep the work flow­ing and have the con­fi­dence that they have nei­ther scrapped a good part nor passed on a bad part. 

Our goal and the vision of our founder, Tom Clark, has been to offer an inno­v­a­tive prod­uct that is sim­ple to use and enables com­pa­nies to repeat­ably pro­duce prod­ucts that fall with­in the tol­er­ance ascribed to them. We felt it was time to make a change to our cur­rent logo, which was not an easy deci­sion. Noth­ing has changed with­in the struc­ture of Clark Fix­tures or its own­er­ship. Time march­es on, and we want to reflect through the new logo our com­mit­ment to the future. 

Thank you,

Calvin Ten­Brink

VP Sales & Marketing