Thank you note

Thank You

January 26, 2021

This past year has been one unlike any we have had. It has taught us to be thank­ful in good years and work hard­er in tough years, move for­ward and do not stand still, even if it is only small steps that you can take. In spite of all the obsta­cles, Clark Fix­ture Tech­nolo­gies accom­plished the fol­low­ing in 2020.

  • We were invit­ed to par­tic­i­pate in a NASA Round­table dis­cus­sion with then NASA Admin­is­tra­tor Jim Briden­s­tine on the top­ic of the Artemis Space Program.
  • Receive our AS9100:2016 certification.
  • Start and Imple­ment much of our new ERP sys­tem. This will enable us to have greater information/​analytics at our fin­ger tips, and allow us to bet­ter serve our customers.
  • Ini­ti­ate the process of acquir­ing CMMC lev­el three cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. This will enable us to con­tin­ue to serve cus­tomers in the aero­space, space, and mil­i­tary industries.
  • We have accom­plished much test­ing and growth with our 5 axis capa­bil­i­ty, which helps us as we grow in the auto­mo­tive NVH & inte­ri­or pan­el business.
  • AND most impor­tant­ly, we have kept our employ­ees employed and at full wage and ben­e­fits. With out our employ­ees, all we have is equip­ment, good ideas and a building.
  • Five of us sur­vived covid-19 and we are for­tu­nate enough to be with our fam­i­lies and back at work.