Hopeful New Year!

December 28, 2021

We are so grate­ful hav­ing made it through anoth­er tough year. The last quar­ter of 2021 pro­vid­ed us with an increase of quote requests and POs. We are thank­ful for our cus­tomers and their busi­ness. It has enabled us to not only con­tin­ue on, but has giv­en us the con­fi­dence to invest in our com­pa­ny in spite of the busi­ness envi­ron­ment. In 2021 we added and incor­po­rat­ed a new ERP sys­tem, added new per­son­nel to our Bowl­ing Green Ohio and Saltil­lo Mex­i­co facil­i­ties. Clark has tak­en steps towards CMMC Lev­el 3 cer­ti­fi­ca­tion and should be com­plet­ing it in 2022. This is no small endeav­or. Last­ly, we have inte­grat­ed a new HR plat­form here in the US office.

With the addi­tion of new auto­mo­tive, aero­space and space cus­tomers we con­tin­ue to grow in our capa­bil­i­ties and have been able to offer new prod­ucts in 2021 and ongo­ing into the future. 

We believe that 2022 is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to part­ner with our cus­tomers and remain opti­mistic towards the future. 

Thank you,

Calvin Ten­Brink and the Clark Fix­ture team