Service. Quality. Experience.

Designing Innovative Fixtures To Make Quality The Standard

Our Mission

We pro­vide our cus­tomers a one-stop” solu­tion for their tool­ing require­ments. We engi­neer, design, and man­u­fac­ture inno­v­a­tive tool­ing that is deliv­ered on time and at com­pet­i­tive val­ue. Our tool­ing will enhance our cus­tomers’ process­es by ver­i­fy­ing and con­trol­ling all crit­i­cal areas of the part while being easy for the oper­a­tor to under­stand and use.

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Our History

From simple beginnings, to an exciting future.

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FABTECH 2024 - Orlando, October 15-17

FABTECH heads to the Orange County Convention Center. Our booth number is S27200. This is located in the Forming and Fabricating Section.

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“On behalf of our team here at Tech­ni­fab, we would like to extend our sin­cere appre­ci­a­tion in acknowl­edge­ment of the out­stand­ing per­for­mance of your com­pa­ny in pro­duc­ing 24 new molds for our Aero­space Mold­ing Depart­ment. In every mea­sure of Safe­ty, Qual­i­ty, Deliv­ery and Cost, Clark Fix­tures excelled. Con­grat­u­la­tions on this very well-deserved recog­ni­tion. We’re for­tu­nate to ben­e­fit from your con­tri­bu­tions on a dai­ly basis. Your achieve­ments are a source of pride and inspi­ra­tion to all of us.”
Bruce Whitman - Technical Fellow and Jeff Petras - President, Technifab Inc.