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Our Approach to Verification

November 21, 2019

With over Forty years of expe­ri­ence work­ing with numer­ous indus­tries, such as auto­mo­tive, aero­space and space, we have found that even with the advent of tube read­ers” and sim­i­lar devices, it is imper­a­tive to have poka yoke fix­tur­ing on the shop floor. With the com­plex­i­ty of todays prod­ucts being fit into tighter and tighter spaces, which requires bend on bend or deep bend sit­u­a­tions, many of the new prod­ucts are inef­fec­tive. Also, a hard tool can be uti­lized to not only ver­i­fy a prod­uct but have the dual func­tion of var­i­ous in-process activites.

The enve­lope tol­er­ance con­cept, whether in a full con­tour style of more open pin style for­mat, is the best means to ver­i­fy the part’s con­for­mi­ty to the print require­ments. It allows vir­tu­al­ly any per­son with a min­i­mum amount of train­ing to deter­mine whether the part meets the print tol­er­ance. When applied at each stage of pro­duc­tion it assures the ear­ly elim­i­na­tion of defec­tive parts.

Our fix­tures are, in depar­ture of the old method­ol­o­gy, CNC machined in one uni­fied piece of mate­r­i­al, which pro­vides two ben­e­fits: the elim­i­na­tion of tol­er­ance stack­up, and a con­struc­tion which is much more robust.

With numer­ous qual­i­ty ver­i­fi­ca­tions built into our ISO9001:2015 process, we believe we can pro­vide you with the best in-pro­ces or final audit check fixtue available.